OUU Podcast #5: Something from Nothing

Our Undiscovered Universe Podcasts




OUU Podcast #5: Something from nothing

Welcome to the fifth in a series of podcasts that explore Null Physics as presented in the book, Our Undiscovered Universe, written by Scientist and Engineer, Terence Witt.

The topic of discussion today is “Something from nothing”, discussing various cosmology theories like the big bang and how they compare to the theory presented using Null Physics.

Also in Episode 5:

  • How does science address new ideas?
  • What role does the Big Bang play when scientists are looking for an alternative theory?
  • How did Null Physics evolve to the theory it is today?
  • What is the difference between a steady state universe of null or zero, and the theory that one began as zero then exploded with a bang?
  • Also available on iTunes! Search “Null Physics” and Subscribe Now!

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